Karoo Farm Accommodation
As custodians of a home built over 200 years ago, we take delight in sharing it with those who have an interest in Karoo Heritage. You will find the serenity pleasing and we trust that you will come away feeling rested.

Letskraal was the home of Voortrekker Leader, Andries Pretorius. It was here that he received amongst others the cleric Sarel Cilliers who appealed to him to assist the Trekkers in Natal. Pretorius moved in 1838. The restored homestead stands much as it did at the time of his tenure. Built of mud and straw in the Karoo Vernacular style, this humble dwelling sits proud against the harsh climatic conditions.
We do not live on the property. You will be the custodians during your visit and will be the only guests on the farm.
Embrace a simplistic lifestyle in a home with outside bathrooms and without electricity. Furnishings are appropriate and comfortable.

Letskraal has no telephonic communication whatsoever.
Noisy leisure vehicles are not allowed, but pets are welcome!